Simple Story Videos Research Report
Simple Story Videos has not yet been ranked.
75 %focused
Explainer Videos
Experts' Scorecards
Scored A — F +/-The Good. The Bad. The Bottom Line.
Although Simple Story isn't presently the most well-known video production agency, they're probably one of the best. They produce outstanding quality with a very reasonable turn-around time (approx. 7 weeks from kickoff to final delivery). They take care of everything, holding your hand through the process: script, storyboard, voiceover, music, sound effects, and custom graphics. Simple Story works with clients at each end of the spectrum and in the middle, from startups to mid-level companies to major enterprise brands and government agencies.
Their work speaks for itself. One thing that really stands out is their passion for the process. We are firm believers that structure and process are key to delivering a superior level of service and it's great to see they feel the same way.
Simple Story Videos vs. The Industry
Simple Story Videos has not yet been ranked. Below is our list of top 10 Explainer / Promo Videos companies.